Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The first of December

I had the pleasure of a leisurely, basket-filled-to-the-brim shop this afternoon. And while after work shopping is not always my idea of a great time, it was really nice tonight. I was able to get all of our dinner fixings for the rest of the week and some goodies and treats. I made a decent green curry with beef and eggplant, roasted the rest of the eggplant for sandwiches later, made a nice looking strata for breakfast tomorrow and am getting ready to fix Andrew's lunch as he has to be at work by 7:15 in the morning. Though right now I am really enjoying reading blogs in the light of our little Christmas tree. I bought a Mistletoe scented candle yesterday to make our house smell a little festive. I'm determined to start thinking holidays are fun instead of giant pains in the ass. It's such a crappy way to be, moaning and complaining all through the season. So I'm trying to make December fun, a nice kick start to the New Year. Maybe start setting the ground work for the good habits right now.

It's kind of cold here right now. I kind of miss the cold weather. We were going to go to First Wednesday Art Walk, but decided to skip it and make dinner. I'm a little disappointed we didn't just go. I think it would have felt nice walking around in the chilly air and looking at the holiday decorations, but we have RAM Saturday and the rest of the weekend for nice strolls around town.